Tuesday, June 14, 2011

yay beta test!

Last words

So unfortunately we were unable to get any true beta testing done from our target audiance. We were able to get a few beta tests done they were just on the wrong audiance. Good news though they liked the game!!

Overall this process was fun and exciting! Working with a team brings its own challenges and rewards. Our team roles were kinda muddled but it was okay because we ended up splitting the work fairly evenly.

I hope you've enjoyed this bog of at least found it somewhat helpful :)

Final 11X17 stuff

Monday, June 13, 2011

OH BOY!!!!

Well we have been having an extremely productive tiny chat session this evening!! Getting alot done!! While i work on the template and logo and getting everything organized the boys are working on the main artwork for the cards! Will hopefully be finished soon!

I'd say look forword to info overload here shortly ill be posting the final mock-ups for our templates for rules and art work and stuff.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


So last week we had our first play through with the paper beta version. This week we have done a bit more refining and adding of words and such. I have also printed the cards on cardstock so they have some more weight. I believe today in class we will pin down who is to illustrate what and then next week is the final product! :)